You might think the problem is the heat, that quilting is a pastime of places with winter weather, but the heat makes shut-ins of Dallas, too, and quilting is as good a reason as any to stay in the air conditioning. In fact, spring is the slow season here, a respite of nice weather that has people biking and gardening between the big push to finish Christmas presents and flurry of graduation gifts. Which means this is a particularly a good time to work on the big tables in the back. In fact, you're welcome to call ahead to see if there's space, and if there's not a full class, there probably is.
There are lots of nice things to say about this place, and one of these day's I hope to get up the gumption to drop by the Featherweight Club on second Tuesdays, but what intrigues me at the moment is third Saturday's Late Night Sit & Sew, an event that goes from "5:30pm until ????" Once they didn't stop until they noticed it was getting light out. It wasn't until that morning that the QC owner realized there was a donut shop next door. Happily, the donut shop opens early.
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